
Showing posts from April, 2020

Sayings and quotes of Imam Ali

   Imam Ali (a.s) saying on Orphan's Imam Ali used to take care of orphan's, Imam used to feed them daily    Imam Ali (a.s) on life Imam Ali quotes life  

Nahjul Balagha Sayings

In the Name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful, Praise to be Allah. "NAHJUL BALAGHA is the most reputed collection of the utterances of Amirul Momineen Ali Ibne Abi Talib, which was compiled by Syed Razi, brother of Sharif Murtuza, the ensign of guidance, towards the close of the 4th century of Hijra. In Nahjul Balagha Imam discussed about SERMONS, LETTER AND SAYINGS." Sayings of Imam Ali from Nahjul Balagha. (SAYINGS 1) How to deal with civil disturbance Imam Ali said, during civil disturbance be like an adolescent camel, who has neither a back strong enough for riding nor udders for milking. (SAYINGS 2) Understanding anti-values Imam Ali said, whoever adopts greed as a habit devalues himself, whoever discloses his hardship agree to be humiliated, and whoever allows his tongue to overpower his souls debases the soul. (SAYINGS 3) Anti Values Imam Ali, Miserliness is a shame, cowardice is a defect poverty disables an intelligent man fr...